#StopHazaraGenocide October 8th 2022 , Vancouver art Gallery

Statement on the #StopHazaraGenocide campaign, ongoing in over 90 countries
The Hazaras comprise one of the major ethnic groups in Afghanistan and are praised for their support and love for education, peace, human rights, women’s rights, and democracy. Yet amid all these, the Hazaras have suffered discrimination, humiliation, and genocide on ethnic and religious grounds. Whilst Hazaras’ tragic history traces its roots long into history, it marked a human tragedy under King Abdu-ul-Rehman reign (1880 – 1901). The King committed a genocide against the Hazaras comparable to the Holocaust, the genocide in Rwanda and killed 62% of the Hazara population. The genocide also led to mass displacement, enslavement, and usurpation of 64% of their land. The Hazara genocide continues, with greater magnitude and atrocity. Since 2002, the Hazaras in Afghanistan and Pakistan suffered over 300 suicide attacks, including the attacks on women and children hospital, tuition centers, and mosques. In the latest attack on a Hazara education center—Kaaj—over 60 students were killed and another 130 were wounded. The series of attacks on Hazaras under the different governments, at different times, indicates the systematic, persistent, and organized character of the Hazara genocide.
The organized and deadly attacks on Hazaras are carried out because of ethnicity, race, and religion. The Hazara genocide has been acknowledged by impartial observers and genocide experts.
According to Article II of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide, the statutes of the International Courts for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, the International Criminal Court, and the existing jurisprudence in these international courts, the attacks on the Hazaras clearly count as genocide.
Therefore, the global campaign to protest against the Hazara genocide in order to condemn and prevent the recurrence of genocide and to support the victims of genocide and terrorist crimes expects and demands from the international community, especially the United Nations, the European Union, the International Criminal Court, the United States of America, government of Canada, and human rights institutions:
- The United Nations Security Council should take appropriate, supportive, and urgent measures based on Article I of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide regarding the cessation of the genocide of the Hazaras in Afghanistan and Pakistan;
- The United Nations, member states and human rights organizations to form international observers and fact-finding teams to assess the depth of the atrocities and the continuation of the threats and dispatch them to Afghanistan to ensure the cessation of the Hazara genocide;
- The United Nations, member states, and human rights institutions to recognise the genocide of the Hazaras by referring to the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide and the Statute of the International Criminal Court and protect the Hazaras against genocide;
- The United Nations Security Council and the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to refer the Hazara genocide to ICC based on their jurisdiction, and the Court should investigate and deal with it urgently;
- According to the Article 25 of the Statute of ICC, the perpetrators, assistants, and planners of the genocide of the Hazaras, regardless of their official position, should be identified, investigated, and trialed before a court of justice;
- The countries which accept refugees, and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to prioritize the Hazara refugees who are forced to seek refuge due to the fear of genocide and to provide them with dedicated services;
- The United Nations, member states and international organizations to support the victims of genocide and other terrorist attacks and directly supervise the provision of humanitarian aid.
Attack on Hazaras since Last year.
30-Sept-2022 Kaaj educational center west Kabul, Killed at least 60 and injured 100 +
06-Aug-2022 Bomb explosion in the Pol-e-Sokhta area of West Kabul. killed 13 civilians and injured 27 others.
05-Aug-2022 Bomb explosion in the Sar-e-Karez area of West Kabul. killed 25 civilians and injured 30 others.
26-June-2022 Taliban gunmen killed six Hazara civilians and wounded two more in Ghor Province.
25-May-2022 Three magnetic bombs exploded in a TownAce minibus in Mazar-i-Sharif. killed 09 civilians, and injured 15.
24-May-2022 Magnetic bomb in a Toyota Town Ace killed 4 and injured 8 others in Naqqash area of Barchi, West Kabul
30-April-2022 Magnetic bomb blast in Toyota Coaster near Dehbori Squire killed 3 passengers
28-April-2022 Magnetic bomb blast in mini-bus in Mazar-e-Sharif – killed 11 civilians,and injured 13
27-April-2022 Dara-e-Suf district, Samangan province North Afghanistan killed 5 Hazara coal miners
21-April-2022 Se-dokan quarter in city of Mazar-e-Sharif – 28 killed and dozenes injured in bomb blast.
19-April-2022 Abdurahim Shahid School – Killed 25 and injured tens other
01-April-2022 Jibrail-e-herat – 6 killed and 25 injured in a bomb blast at a playground –
22-Jan-2022 Haji Abbas-e-Herat – Bomb blast in local bus killed 7 and injured 10 other.
17-Nov-2021 Magnetic bomb blast in minibus in “Shahid” intersection in Zone 3 Kabul, killed 2 and injured 7.
17-Nov-2021 Magnetic bomb blast in TownAce minibus in “Naqash” area in Barchi, Zone 13 Kabul, killed 4 and injured 2 people.
13-Nov-2021 Magnatic bomb-blast in a minibus in Mahtab-Qala Barchi, West Kabul, killed 4 civilians
08-Oct-2021 Kundoz – Explosion in Mosque in Sayedabad, Kunduz province – killed 68
23-Oct-2021 Khedir Daykundi. Taliban attacked one of Daykundi’s villages called Khedir, and killed 14 civilians
30-July-2021 Jaghori – A 8 years-old child killed by Taliban’s Mortar firing on Hoothqol…
15-July-2021 Malistan – 51 civilians killed under Taliban attack on villages of Malistan district, Ghazni province, Afghanistan
10-July-2021 Shirdagh Malistan. 4 civilians killed by Taliban in the village of Khoshhal, Shirdagh Malistan, Afghanistan
12-June-2021 Two explosions of magnatic bomb on a minibus, killed 7 and injured 6 others.
03-June-2021 Explosion in Minibus in Pool-e-Sokhta killed 4 and injured 7 others
01-June-2021 Explosion in a Toyota Coaster van in Sar-e-Karez, West Kabul killed 10, injured 12. Unknown
08-May-2021 Sayed-o-Shuhada Public School, West Kabul. Killed 85 Students, injured 147.